Jan 4, 2010


Research & Advocacy

Research on Minimum Support Price to study the impact on Small and Marginal Farmers
Time frame: May 04
Read at Scribd

Study on Status of Women Farmers in Uttar Pradesh
Time frame: July-05 to October-05

Active involvement in the process of data collection through focus group discussions and interview of children, young adults and stakeholders for the National Study on Child Abuse for the State of Uttar Pradesh
Time frame: February 2006 onwards

Internal  Evaluation for Disha, Saharanpur.
Time frame: November 2005

Study on Agrarian Suicides in Uttar Pradesh between 1995-2005 led by Dr. Devender Sharma. Followed by advocacy of the issue with the Government officials at state level such as paper presentation to Commissioner Relief.
Time Frame : February 2005-March 2005

Monitoring and Evaluation of school involvement systems and learning improvement programs initiated by Government of India with focus on girl’s education. Preparing reports on evaluation and sharing it with the Secretary Education for effective future planning.

Educational policy analysis, advocacy and social mobilization towards achieving the goals of improving the quality of education and Universal Primary Education
Time Frame: October 2004-June 2005

Global Action week (GAW)
Maitrey ERA is coordinating the activities to be organized during the GAW. The pre preparation has already started with three rounds of meeting bringing various organizations on board such as CARE, CRS, Action Aid, Oxfam GB etc.
In 2006 - Global Action Week was called ‘Every Child Needs A Teacher’[1]. It was our opportunity to continue demanding that politicians and officials keep pledges made to ensure that every child is not only able to go to school, but is also taught by a well-qualified teacher in a class no bigger than 40 pupils.

The key messages behind the Global Action Week were:

  • Achieving EFA depends on having enough teachers (1:40)
  • Teachers need to be professionally trained, adequately paid and well-motivated for this to happen
  • In order to achieve this, there must be sufficient financing for the expansion of education systems
Time frame: March 2006 -April 2006
 [1] In this context, GCE uses ‘Teachers’ to encompass all those who educate others in formal and or non-formal settings. The term therefore refers to facilitators, educators, tutors and animators within the formal and non-formal education system.


Conducted a Training Programs for Coordinators for NPEGEL Programme undertaken by Mahila Samakhya, Uttar Pradesh
Time frame: April 2005


Proposal prepared for BETI  on Containment of Poverty through Education and Sustainable Livelihoods (Appendix D)
Time frame: August 2005

Preparation of Questionnaire for carrying out research on child acceptance on school’s education system.
Time frame: March 2006

Bhikshu Sangh Ratan took classes for children belonging to the under priviledged class/ caste in the village of Johnsnagar, Auraiya.
Time Frame : March 10, 2005 onwards.

A literacy camp was organized in the Malihabad Block to apprise and make aware the people on the importance of education in life of their children and also in their lives. It emphasised on the involvement of the community in the school activities of their child. All the executive members of Maitrey were present during the camp.
Time Frame: March 5, 2005

Child Labour  

Participated in the orientation program on ‘National Child Labour Programme’
Time Frame: 24th February 2006


A camp on Sustainable Agriculture was organized in the Malihabad Block to bring awareness amongst the farmers on the positive aspect of going organic i.e. towards an agriculture process which would save the environment and also give good yield.
Time Frame : March 15, 2005

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